About me

Jon Rueda

Ph.D. in Philosophy, University of Granada (Spain).


I am a moral and political philosopher interested in providing normative reasoning and empirically-informed analysis of public controversies, mostly related to morality, technoscience, and the future—and often their intersections.

Current position

On 19th March 2024, I defended my PhD dissertation: Disrupting Humanity? Anticipatory Ethics for Genetic Enhancement Technologies [Maximum qualification: unanimously cum laude and international distinction].

I am now on the job market. So happy to consider proposals or calls of interest!

Research interests

Most of my publications deal with specific controversies within bioethics, ethics of technology, and human enhancement.

Now, I am researching a diversity of topics within the fields of Practical Ethics, Genetic Enhancement, Philosophy of Evidence-based Policy, Governance of Disruptive Technologies, Techno-moral Change, AI Ethics, Experimental Bioethics, Virtual Reality Ethics, and Distributive Justice.

Short bio

Below you can see a timeline summarizing my CV: